Adopción en la década de los 70la vivencia de los orígenes desde la mirada de tres protagonistas

  1. Nerea Martín Bolaños
  2. Susana Corral Gilsanz
  3. Mireia Sanz Vázquez
Familia: Revista de ciencias y orientación familiar

ISSN: 1130-8893

Year of publication: 2021

Issue: 59

Pages: 85-102

Type: Article

More publications in: Familia: Revista de ciencias y orientación familiar


Both origins and the relationship that adoptees establish with them are core aspects in their lives. Therefore, how origins are managed in adoptees’ environment has a direct impact on their experience with origins. This research aims to explore the unique and subjective experience of individuals who were adopted in Spain in the 1970s with respect to their origins. Three adults adopted in that decade took part, one woman and two men. Interviews were carried out in order to collect participants’ experience, which were analyzed following the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Results showed how the taboo that participants had experienced in their family in approaching their origins, has influenced how they have related to their origin as well as the way they have faced the search for them. They also pointed to an evolution towards freedom in the experience associated to their origins. Taking these results into account, it would be interesting that future studies include a multi-perspective view, where the different intervening agents share their experience, so that results reflect more broadly the focus of the study.

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