Modelo cognitivo-contextual del conflicto interparental y la adaptación de los hijos

  1. Iraurgi Castillo, Ioseba
  2. Martínez Pampliega, Ana
  3. Iriarte Elejalde, Leire
  4. Sanz Vázquez, Mireia
Anales de psicología

ISSN: 0212-9728 1695-2294

Year of publication: 2011

Volume: 27

Issue: 2

Pages: 562-573

Type: Article

More publications in: Anales de psicología


The aim of these research is to check cognitive-contextual model's validity in Spanish population as a theoretical framework which can explain the connection between marital conflict and childrens' adjust-ment. 3957 students were included in the sample (50.2% female, 49.8% male; Average age= 15.68 years old). The following variables were as-sessed through questionnaires: children perception of interparental con-flict (CPIC), children's psychological well-being (YSR), academic perform-ance (CDE) and family satisfaction (FS). Hierarchical regression models are able to explain the 22.6% of the variance on children's emotional unrest, and the 26% on academic performance. A covariance structure model (CFI, GFI y AGFI >.95) has confirmed a clear and direct effect of interparental conflict on children's affectivity, but no on academic per-formance, which is more directly affected by children's emotional unrest. In other words, the relation between interparental conflict and academic performance is not direct, it is mediated by the level of affectivity.

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