Emociones y discurso públicouna mirada de género a la retórica política afectiva

  1. Julen Orbegozo Terradillos 1
  2. Ainara Larrondo Ureta 1
  3. Amaia Landaburu Corchete 1
  1. 1 Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea / Universidad del Laís Vasco
Cultura, lenguaje y representación = Culture, language and representation: revista de estudios culturales de la Universitat Jaume I = cultural studies journal of Universitat Jaume I

ISSN: 1697-7750

Year of publication: 2021

Issue Title: Lenguaje y política / Language and politics

Issue: 26

Pages: 247-266

Type: Article

DOI: 10.6035/CLR.5838 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Cultura, lenguaje y representación = Culture, language and representation: revista de estudios culturales de la Universitat Jaume I = cultural studies journal of Universitat Jaume I

Sustainable development goals


This research focuses on the study of discursive emotionality in the institutional sphere from a gender perspective. The analysis of emotions in politics is of particular interest in the current context of growing feminisation of public-political spaces. This study is thus based on the need to delve deeper into those factors and strategies of political communication that can drive a discursive transformation and, therefore, a social and democratic evolution (Arias Maldonado, 2016). This approach to the problem takes into account the influence of the affective turn that has led feminism to theorise emotions in order to generate knowledge and transform society from a political perspective. Specifically, the article examines the new role of emotions in the public sphere, from an approach centred on a case study of people elected to the legislative bodies of the Basque Autonomous Community (BAC), i.e. Provincial Councils and Parliament. The empirical study draws a line that relates two elements traditionally ignored in the public-political space: women and emotions or personal feelings. This analysis uses the digital survey as a research technique. The results allow us to observe the significant differences between elected women and elected men in relation to the manifestation of their emotions, as well as to investigate the motives and causes that lead both genders to exclude emotions in their speeches.

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