A study of complex magnetic configurations using magnetic force microscopy

  1. Berganza Eguiarte, Eider
Supervised by:
  1. Agustina Asenjo Barahona Director
  2. Miriam Jaafar Ruiz-Castellanos Director

Defence university: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 15 June 2018

  1. María Luisa Fernández Gubieda Chair
  2. José María Gómez Rodriguez Secretary
  3. José Miguel García Martín Committee member

Type: Thesis


The irruption of nanomagnetism in industry has brought remarkable advances in data storage technologies. In addition, further development in this field is expected to revolutionize traditional medicine by addressing diagnosis and disease treatment from a localized approach. Applications require a deep fundamental knowledge on the magnetic behavior of nanostructures. This thesis is framed on the study of non-trivial magnetic configurations and magnetization reversal processes of different nano-objects. The magnetic configuration and magnetization reversal process of cylindrical shaped magnets (nanowires and nanodots) have been studied using Magnetic Force Microscopy. Different mechanisms have been studied to obtain well-defined pinning sites in nanowires with axial magnetization. The magnetization reversal process of nanowires of complex magnetic configuration, due to strong magnetocrystalline anisotropy, has been studied. Finally, results obtained in cylindrical nanodots are presented, where topologically protected spin textures have been unveiled