Espacios de ocio para el desarrollo humano
- Maldonado Martínez, Gustavo Adolfo
- Cuenca Amigo, Jaime
ISSN: 2386-9968
Argitalpen urtea: 2021
Zenbakia: 8
Orrialdeak: 628-644
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Terra: revista de desarrollo local
Abstract: This article is based on the need to reflect on the impact of commodification on the valuation and social production of leisure spaces. Through conceptual distinctions and clarifications between space, place and leisure, this paper aims to analyse two important consequences of commodification on the valuation of social space: The production of space through commodification produces market value. Space in a social sense then becomes a container for commodity-mediated social relations, and this is visible in the spaces for the occupation of leisure time. However, we intend to argue here that leisure is a possible agent of emancipation and producer of value in other senses. Spaces also have to contain value not necessarily in a mercantile sense, and this is where a meeting point with the value of leisure and spaces for leisure is possible. Thus, we pursue the idea that leisure can function as resistance, as opposed to the common misunderstanding of situating it as an activity irremediably linked to consumption. Instead, we are inclined to propose it as a formative experience capable of enhancing human capacities through its development. In this way, we seek to propose alternatives around the possibility of finding, through the experience of leisure, loopholes for emancipation and resistance in order to confront commercialisation and consumption and to propose forms of local development that are a channel for human and community development. Key words: Valuable leisure, human development, recreation, re-creation.
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