Leire Bilbao, el valor de la sencillez
- 1 Universidad Pais Vasco
ISSN: 0392-4777
Year of publication: 2021
Issue: 115
Pages: 229-248
Type: Article
More publications in: Rassegna iberistica
This article reviews the work of Leire Bilbao, a writer belonging to a new generation of Basque authors who has managed to cross the borders of the Basque language. Since she published her first book in 2006, she has combined her poetry books for adults with children’s literature. Throughout this period, she has also made a more than interesting foray into picturebooks in collaboration with the illustrator Maite Mutuberria. Her children’s books, which range from critical realism to magical realism, are apparently simple narratives that can be read on several levels and that have a great poetic charge. Nevertheless, her two poetry books for children are, without any doubt, the most remarkable interaction between the author’s poetics and her production for children.
Bibliographic References
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