Cuerpo a cuerpo frente al miedoLa experiencia socialista de la violencia de persecución en Euskadi (1995-2011)

  1. Sara Hidalgo García de Orellán 1
  1. 1 Universidad del País Vasco/EuskallHerrikoUnibersitatea
Historia del presente
  1. Ortuño Martínez, Bárbara (coord.)
  2. Moreno Seco, Mónica (coord.)

ISSN: 1579-8135

Year of publication: 2019

Issue Title: Mujeres, militancias y violencias

Issue: 33

Pages: 123-136

Type: Article

More publications in: Historia del presente


The aim of this paper is to analyze the Basque socialist experience on the violence of persecution in Basque Country during the period 1995-2011, using the theoretical tools provided by the history of emotions and using the oral historyas main source. We have chosen the period 1995-2011 because during it the so-called «socialización del sufrimiento» was spread until the end of the terrorist activities in 2011. The members of the Socialist Party have been chosen because they were in ETA ́s crosshairs. Along the paper we will expose what actions were considered as violence of persecution by the socialists and we will show the consequences of this terrorist phenomenon on the political development of the party as well as in the identity and emotional realms.

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