Arte, ocio y trabajo en la era de la imagen electrónica

  1. Barrios Elcid, Xabier
  2. Catalán Ascaso, Victoria
Arte y políticas de identidad

ISSN: 1889-979X

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 19

Pages: 149-164

Type: Article

DOI: 10.6018/REAPI.359841 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDIGITUM editor

More publications in: Arte y políticas de identidad


This text discusses some changes that have occurred in the field of art, driven by the application of processes and tools related to digitaltechnologies, network and computers that, promote singular systemsof classification and representation. We focus in the confusion between concepts and practices related with leisure economy and work, and theimpact they have inside and over the network and. Thanks to computers and the extensive communication network, new universes are possible. Offered by digital technologies and connections, there, the concepts of times and practical spaces have changed, affecting our social activities and the cultural economy. Issues that have to do with the artistic project of Amalia Ulman, whose proposal makes use of those platforms to ask about them.

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