Aplicación de metodologías activas para aprender a gestionar la oficina de farmaciaUna experiencia en el aula

  1. Laura Sáenz del Burgo 1
  2. Gustavo Puas Ochoa 1
  1. 1 Institución: Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
IJERI: International journal of Educational Research and Innovation

ISSN: 2386-4303

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 9

Pages: 281-296

Type: Article

More publications in: IJERI: International journal of Educational Research and Innovation


The present work shows a teaching experience in the subject of Management, Planning, Legislation and Deontology of the Degree in Pharmacy, in which different active methodologies such as the remote response devices, the Aronson puzzle or guided problem solution were used to work different complex learning objectives related to the management and purchase of medicines for both laboratories and distribution warehouses. Three scenarios related to the professional activity were proposed, in order that the students themselves identify the learning objectives. For the resolution of the problems the students worked in teams of 3 members with common objectives reflected in the constitution of the team. The evaluation of the activity was formative group and individual-group summative. The students' opinion reflected the acceptance of this type of methodologies as an alternative or complement to the traditional classes. 72.3% of the teams managed to obtain more than half the points that were awarded to this test. On the other hand, both attendance and participation in class improved considerably with the implementation of active methodologies. The experience was highly satisfactory, not only for the good results obtained to assimilate complex concepts related to the subject, but also for the greater involvement of own students in the construction of his own learning. All these facts suggest the possibility to extend the implementation of these active methodologies for the learning of other concepts of the teaching program of the subject.

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