Posmodernidad y ética empresarial. Una Hipótesis sobre el auge de la responsabilidad social corporativa

  1. Olaskoaga Larrauri, Dr. Jon
  2. Garay Villanueva, Lic. Gabriela
  3. González Laskibar, Mg. Xabier
Ciencias administrativas

ISSN: 2314-3738

Argitalpen urtea: 2013

Zenbakia: 2

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Ciencias administrativas


This paper develops a hypothesis about the reasons that have led to the success of the Corporate Social Responsibility concept, both on literature and in business management practice. The hypothesis is created on the basis of management trends theory and it suggests the existence of elective affinities, within the Weberian meaning of the term, between the spread of Corporate Social Responsibility and the advent of postmodern society.