Eko-berrikuntza sustatzen duten faktore eragile batzuen azterketa meta-analisiaren bidez

  1. Artitzar Erauskin Tolosa
  2. Eugenio Zubeltzu Jaka
Revista de dirección y administración de empresas = Enpresen zuzendaritza eta administraziorako aldizkaria

ISSN: 2341-0108

Year of publication: 2016

Issue: 23

Pages: 53-74

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de dirección y administración de empresas = Enpresen zuzendaritza eta administraziorako aldizkaria


To the extent that innovation has been the engine of growth in the medium and long term, green innovation, or "eco-innovation" has to be a driving force enabling economies move towards a path of green growth in the next decades. In recent years a considerable effort has been made in order to study what are the drivers of eco-innovation. Although there is a widespread agreement on the groups of drivers the different empirical studies conducted to date have failed to define the most relevant drivers. The aim of this contribution is to study the relationship of the various drivers of eco-innovation and the adoption and/or generation of eco-innovation activities in enterprises. For this, meta-analysis of 21 articles published between 2007 and 2016.