La historia de la filosofía como tarea filosófica.Consideraciones a partir de Heidegger
ISSN: 0185-2450
Argitalpen urtea: 2016
Alea: 61
Zenbakia: 76
Orrialdeak: 57-81
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Dianoia: anuario de Filosofía
By discussing some of the most prevalent views about what reading texts from the history of philosophy means, this paper explores the aim and fundamental strategies that guide Heidegger in this task. Through this discussion I would like to defend that some of the premises underlying those hegemonic conceptions hinder an appropriate understanding of Heidegger’s interest in the history of philosophy and, therefore, that a direct discussion of Heidegger and those conceptions can help to precise the singularity and significance of the German philosopher’s task.