How much does your idea weigh, Mr. X?Diseinu eta fabrikatze digitalaren aukerak

  1. González Quintial, Francisco
  2. Mitxelena Etxeberria, Alex
Aldiri: arkitektura eta abar

ISSN: 1889-7185

Year of publication: 2014

Issue Title: Eskuz ala makinaz?

Issue: 18

Pages: 29-31

Type: Article

More publications in: Aldiri: arkitektura eta abar


Architecture nowadays is invelved undoubtedly in the digital processes, so much so in the design process as in the manufacture. Understanding technology as a tool. Digitalization should not be understood a a negative process, as industrialization was perceived two cienturies ago, but as an evolutive engien. A good example could be found in the possibilities opened by cooperative working processes and development cooperation.