Transforming Complex Sentences using Dependency Trees for Automatic Text Simplification in Basque

  1. Aranzabe Urruzola, María Jesús
  2. Díaz de Ilarraza Sánchez, Arantza
  3. González Dios, Itziar
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural

ISSN: 1135-5948

Year of publication: 2013

Issue: 50

Pages: 61-68

Type: Article

More publications in: Procesamiento del lenguaje natural


In this paper we present a module of the Text Simplification architecture that we are implementing. Exactly, we describe the module that carries out the task of splitting sentences into clauses. This module is based on general-coverage tools. We have adapted the clause identifier in this module and we have added a algorithm based on dependency-trees to split the sentences. This way, we get simple sentences.

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