Pedagogía cyberfeministaEntre utopía y realidades
- Luxán Serrano, Marta
- Biglia, Barbara
ISSN: 2444-8729, 1138-9737
Año de publicación: 2011
Título del ejemplar: Mujeres y la sociedad de la información
Volumen: 12
Número: 2
Páginas: 149-183
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Education in the knowledge society (EKS)
The idea of this article rise from the needing of reflection around the virtual teaching in which we are involved. Is it possible to inhabit these spaces of virtual teaching from a feminist perspective? Can we adapt the technologies to our purposes? What advantage and what disadvantages do we find? The challenge is double. On the one hand, we would like to advance in the definition of the possible characteristics of a cyberfeminist pedagogy. For other one, we want to analyse some of the educational practices in which we take part. In doing so, a part of answering to our initial questions, we hope to raise manners of advancing in the construction of a possibly emancipating pedagogy. As for the theoretical reflection, we would like to recover proposals of feminist and on-line pedagogies feminist, to advance in the building of it that we have come to name cyberfeminist pedagogy. We use these key ideas as guide to confront the practical analysis of two virtual experiences: the Interdisciplinary Workshop of Feminist Research Methodology (URV) and the Master in Equality of Women and Men (UPV-EHU).
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