La vida social en la zona minera vizcaína (siglos XIX-XX)estado de la cuestión y algunas aportaciones

  1. Ruzafa Ortega, Rafael
  2. García Abad, Rocío
Historia contemporánea

ISSN: 1130-2402

Year of publication: 2008

Issue Title: Entre la historia política y la historia socio-cultural

Issue: 36

Pages: 85-118

Type: Article

More publications in: Historia contemporánea


Although the historical knowledge about the biscayan miner zone has become large, in a long-term look, decisive aspects are lacking, for the XXth century especially. This article addresses the continuities of rural/autochthonous population, women' presence into the zone with their miner and nonminer activities and societarial life (not only the syndical one).