Michael Dummettuna defensa del anti-realismo en las matemáticas

  1. Ponte Azcárate, María
Laguna: Revista de Filosofía

ISSN: 1132-8177

Argitalpen urtea: 2001

Zenbakia: 9

Orrialdeak: 151-162

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Laguna: Revista de Filosofía


We offer a critical analysis of Dummett’s anti-realist proposal, which is based upon three fundamental notions. Theory of meaning: his notion of meaning as use and his rejection of holism. Theory of truth: truth understood as proof in mathematics and as verification in the rest of the spheres of knowledge. Intuitionist criticism to classical logic: negation of the principle of excluded middle and of the notion of infinite.