Tipologías asociativas y espacios productivosla Sociedad de Socorros a Enfermos de la Fábrica de Naipes de Heráclio Fournier

  1. Guillermo Marín Casado
Sociedades y culturas: IX Congreso de Historia Social. Treinta años de la Asociación de Historia social. Comunicaciones. Oviedo, 7-9 de noviembre de 2019
  1. Santiago Castillo (coord.)
  2. Uría, Jorge (coord.)

Argitaletxea: Asociación de Historia Social

ISBN: 9788409124855

Argitalpen urtea: 2019

Orrialdeak: 447-474

Biltzarra: Asociación de Historia Social. Congreso (9. 2019. Oviedo)

Mota: Biltzar ekarpena


The heterogeneous and fragmented industrial sector of Vitoria, during ninettenth century, gave rise to a mutualist initiative that emerged in 1883, and that continue alive at present: Sociedad de Socorros a Enfermos de la fábrica de naipes de Heraclio Fournier. The “paternalistic factor” was a decisive component in its initial origin and development, which defined its nature and significantly limited the capacity of the workers to be a more or less active part in their management. This text proposes a study through the history of this society of mutual assistance, framing it in the industrial and associational evolution of Vitoria, in the interactions between this type of associative initiatives and the different public administrations, especially during the Franco regime, and making a proposal for reflection on the margins of associationism linked to industrial paternalism.