Los proyectos en la Cooperación al Desarrollo como herramienta para incorporar Competencias Transversales en el aula de Proyectos Arquitectónicos

  1. Ramón Barrena Etxebarría.
  2. Alex Mitxelena Etxeberria
IV Congreso sobre Arquitectura y Cooperación al Desarrollo, ArCaDia 4: libro de actas
  1. Eduardo Alfonso Caridad Yáñez (coord.)
  2. Amparo Casares-Gallego (coord.)
  3. Emma López-Bahut (coord.)
  4. Antonio Santiago Río Vázquez (coord.)

Publisher: Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura ; Universidade da Coruña

ISBN: 978-84-9749-656-8

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 25-34

Congress: Jornadas de Arquitectura y Cooperación al Desarrollo (4. 2016. A Coruña)

Type: Conference paper


The lecturers in the subject course “Architectural Design IX: The Public Sphere III” are part of the teaching staff that is developing the Educational Innovation Project (PIE) “The Development Aid as a framework to adquire cross competencies in the Bachelor in Architectural Fundamentals “during the 2014-2016 period. According to the Syllabus and to the name of the subject course, is basic the value of the place in the architectural project, so is specially remarked the analysis and understanding of physic (topography, climate...), social and cultural conditions of the environment. Development aid helps us to strengthen this aspect, because cultural and social differences, compared with our context, are evident. In this way, we work on the sustainability concept, but not only as the more extended energy concept, but also as a social sustainability concept. The aim in this subject course is to train students that, adquiring these final aspects in the cross competencies about development aid, become professionals developing an architecture closer to the place and to the physic and social environment, which means more sustainable in the concept we are talking about. Development Aid will also help these students to be trained to develop their work in international spheres. Working process in the classroom has been developed following the Project Based Learning (PBL) active methodologies. These methodologies help to develop the team working capacities, and understanding better the value of analyze and understand the place to work. This allows to answer to the design project in a much more precise way, having the necessary information and knowledge, which will help to model and develop the architectural project. Further on, during the 2015-2016 course we propose the students to develop two architectural projects, one of them based in Development Aid. It was a generic project for a children’s school in the African savanna. This project was an international architectural competition from the Development Non-Governmental Organization (DNGO) KYM FIELD from Turkey. All the student teams submit their projects to the international competition. The design developed by the Mario Loza, Uxue Jauregi and Julen García’s team was prized by the competition’s jury.