Navarre"Regional branding" through

  1. Arriaga Azkarate, Tania
Del verbo al bit
  1. Herrero Gutiérrez, Francisco Javier (coord.)
  2. Mateos Martín, Concha (coord.)

Publisher: Sociedad Latina de Comunicación Social

ISBN: 978-84-16458-76-9

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 1281-1294

Congress: Congreso Internacional Latina de Comunicación Social (8. 2016. null)

Type: Conference paper


In the last decade, public and private organizations have conducted considerable research on the implementation of studies on informational society into institutional policies. I focus on the European Union innovation strategies influencing Navarre. The new European policies for innovation, currently called Smart Specialization Strategies for the European Regions, try to incorporate both systems, bureaucracy and open networks. Ten years after the Lisbon Agenda, on March 3, 2010, the European Commission presented a new effort to help adjust member states to the informational society with EUROPE 2020, a strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.The group the Knowledge for Growth (K4G) Expert Group operates as an independent advisory body and it has published a number of reports and policy briefs; their document titled, "The Concept", introduced the concept of "Smart Specialization" which led to the idea of "Regional Policy contributing to smart growth in Europe 2020". "The Concept" encourages regions to invest in programs that will complement other productive assets, creating in this way future domestic competency and interregional advantage. Accordingly, these programs are appraised through the achievements acquired by the regions that have implemented them. Methods of analysis used such as CEPS' Task Force Report and The Community Innovation Survey must be mentioned. After all, these measurement values build innovation and European funds will be designed based on these values. Therefore, these methods of analysis are erected in the main drivers of European regional brands. Just as the European Union designed Europe 2020 Strategy, and Spain developed the Strategy E21, the government of Navarre initiated and promoted the Moderna Plan (2010-2030) in 2008. In November 4, 2015 Moderna Plan was suspended for its dubious management.