Winter biodisinfestation with Brassica green manure is a promising management strategy for Phytophthora capsici control of protected pepper crops in humid temperate climate regions of northern Spain

  1. Maite Gandariasbeitia 1
  2. Mikel Ojinaga 1
  3. Estibaliz Orbegozo 1
  4. Amaia Ortíz-Barredo 1
  5. Mireia Núñez-Zofío 1
  6. Sorkunde Mendarte 2
  7. Santiago Larregla 1
  1. 1 NEIKER-Basque Institute for Agricultural Research and Development, Plant Production and Protection Dept. Derio (Bizkaia), Spain
  2. 2 NEIKER, Conservation of Natural Resources Dept. Derio (Bizkaia), Spain
Spanish journal of agricultural research

ISSN: 1695-971X 2171-9292

Año de publicación: 2019

Volumen: 17

Número: 1

Tipo: Artículo

DOI: 10.5424/SJAR/2019171-13808 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Otras publicaciones en: Spanish journal of agricultural research

Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible


Phytophthora capsici causes root and crown rot of protected pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) crops in the Basque Country (northern Spain), a humid temperate climate area. The objective was to determine the effect of winter biofumigation and plastic cover (biodisinfestation) with Sinapis alba L. (cultivar 'Ludique') fresh green manure on the survival of introduced P. capsici inoculum (oospores) in a greenhouse soil. After autumn-winter Brassica cover crop soil incorporation in February, oospores remained at 15 and 30 cm depth for four weeks´ time exposure in two consecutive years, 2009 and 2010. Oospores viability was estimated with a plasmolysis method and infectivity with a potted pepper bioassay. Viability was significantly higher in biodisinfestated oospores than in the non-treated control in both years (81% and 21% relative increase in 2009 and 2010, respectively) and significantly higher at 30 cm depth than at 15 cm in 2009 (24% relative increase). Conversely, biodisinfestation significantly delayed disease incidence progression until the first half of infectivity bioassays in both years compared to the non-treated soils (83% and 75% relative decrease of dead plants in 2009 and 2010 respectively). The low soil temperatures could explain the low oospore survival reduction and suggest that the suppressiveness expressed in the infectivity bioassay was related with an increase of microbial activity in the biodisinfestation treatment. We conclude that winter biodisinfestation with fresh Brassica green manure is a promising management strategy for Phytophthora root rot control of protected peppers crops in regions of humid temperate climate such us northern Spain.

Información de financiación

FEDER funds (projects INIA RTA 2011-00005-C03-03 and INIA RTA 2015-00060-C04-04); Basque Government, Dept. of Environment, Territorial Planning, Agriculture and Fisheries (projects BIOSOL and REVABIO). MG was the recipient of a predoctoral contract (INIA-2017-0043) of the State Training Subprogram of the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MICINN); EO was the recipient of a technologist scholarship "Disease management in protected horticultural organic crops" (Order of October 18, 2017 of the Minister of Economic Development and Competitiveness of the Basque Government). The authors thank Berdaitz Juaristi, Javier Elorrieta and Leire Abaunza for their helpful support to carry out greenhouse experimental field trials in NEIKER.

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