Comparative linkage mapping in three guava mapping populations and construction of an integrated reference map in guava

  1. Ritter, E.
  2. Herran, A.
  3. Valdés-Infante, J.
  4. Rodríguez-Medina, N.N.
  5. Briceño, A.
  6. Fermin, G.
  7. Sanchez-Teyer, F.
  8. O'connor-Sanchez, A.
  9. Muth, J.
  10. Boike, J.
  11. Prüfer, D.
  12. Santos, C.A.
  13. Dos Santos, I.C.N.
  14. Rodrigues, M.A.
  15. Risterucci, A.M.
  16. Billotte, N.
  17. Becker, D.
  18. Rohde, W.
Liburu bilduma:
Acta Horticulturae

ISSN: 0567-7572

ISBN: 9789066050181

Argitalpen urtea: 2010

Alea: 849

Orrialdeak: 175-182

Mota: Artikulua