The role of emotional intelligence and underlying mechanisms in different wellbeing indicators

  1. Urquijo Cela, Itziar
Dirigida por:
  1. Natalio Extremera Pacheco Director/a
  2. Josu Solabarrieta Director

Universidad de defensa: Universidad de Deusto

Fecha de defensa: 14 de diciembre de 2020

  1. Esther López Zafra Presidente/a
  2. Erika Borrajo Secretaria
  3. Pamela Qualter Vocal

Tipo: Tesis

Teseo: 658274 DIALNET


In summary, the general aim of this research was to further explore how emotional intelligence and related variables may improve individual well-being. These objectives lead different professionals to work on emotional intelligence by practical proposals through formative programs. Training in emotional skills can improve individuals’ evaluation of their own lives to facilitate, among others personal aspects, academic experience and transition to the work environment. Knowing which mechanisms are more effective for achieving all diverse facets well-being, could be relevant to prevention and treatment of various emotional and psychological disorders. Thus, these findings could aid in the future refinement of interventions to improve well-being, act as a protective factor providing positive tools, and, at the same time, provide empirical data to add theoretical constructive robustness to the concept of emotional intelligence.