Influencia de los núcleos urbanos en la variabilidad físico-química del río Agüera
- Esther González
- Arturo Elósegui
- Jesús Pozo
ISSN: 0214-6967
Argitalpen urtea: 1992
Zenbakia: 21
Orrialdeak: 5-15
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Kobie. Ciencias naturales
The effect of the three main urban settlements on the Agüera stream catchment on the physico-chemical variables of water has been studied by sampling immediately upstream and downstream from these villages. Villaverde, due to the scarce flow and oligotrophic characteristics of the stream, produces the greatest differences. The incidence of Trucíos is usually low. The highest levels of pollution are detected downstream from Guriezo. The effect of urban sewage worsens usually in low-flow conditions, dueto the low diluting capacity of the stream. Although the differences during one day can be marked, there is not clear die! pattern for the urban sewage.