Contribución del ADN antiguo a la interpretación de los restos humanos de procedencia arqueológica

  1. Montserrat Hervella Afonso
  2. Lara Fontecha Martínez
  3. Saioa López López
  4. Santos Alonso Alegre
  5. Neskuts Izagirre Arribalzaga
  6. Concepción de la Rúa Vaca
Kobie. Paleoantropología

ISSN: 0214-7971

Year of publication: 2011

Issue: 30

Pages: 23-30

Type: Article

More publications in: Kobie. Paleoantropología


The possibility to extract and analyse DNA from skeletal remains allows the direct analysis of the genetic composition of extinct populations. However, the information obtained from ancient DnA comes normally from small population samples and is usually fragmented. therefore, great levels of caution are required when interpreting the results. furthermore, simplistic interpretations that ignore the features or limitations of the genetic markers used or of what the samples studied represent, should be avoided. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is the part of the human genome that provides the highest level of efficiency when studying ancient DNA samples, because its high copy number facilitates its recovery even from degraded samples. It also displays a high mutation rate (changing in relatively short periods of time). However, we must bear in mind that mtDNA is only a small part of the entire human genome, that provides genetic information only from female lineages.