Análisis de los efectos de la adopción de estándares de ecodiseño en el rendimiento empresarial de los estudios de arquitectura

  1. Germán Arana 1
  2. Beñat Landeta Manzano 1
  3. Pablo Díaz de Basurto Uraga 1
  4. Patxi Ruiz de Arbulo López 1
  1. 1 Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU). España
DYNA: revista de la Facultad de Minas. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Sede Medellín

ISSN: 0012-7353

Year of publication: 2013

Volume: 80

Issue: 181

Pages: 201-209

Type: Article

More publications in: DYNA: revista de la Facultad de Minas. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Sede Medellín


In this article, the influence of the adoption of the UNE 150301 and ISO 14006 standards on economic and financial results in the architecture firms sector has been analysed. With this aim, following an introduction and a description of the eco-design standards UNE 150301 and ISO 14006, the research methodology has been presented. In the research, the economic and financial information of 483 certified and uncertified arquitecture firms containing the economic and financial database SABI has been analysed. Having analysed the homogeneity of the sample and refined data, we have found that companies certified with these standards have been significantly more profitable. Nevertheless, the results of the research show that the performance differences before certification are higher than after certification. Then, the better performance of certified firms may be due to a selection effect: firms with better performance have a higher tendency to achieve UNE 150301 and ISO 14006 certification