Yo y los otros. El desarrollo de la identidad étnica en niños inmigrantes de origen latinoamericano que residen en estados unidos

Supervised by:
  1. Alejandra Navarro Sada Director

Defence university: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 07 July 2010

  1. Ignasi Vila Mendiburu Chair
  2. Liliana Jacott Secretary
  3. Concepción Maiztegui Oñate Committee member
  4. Pilar Soto Rodríguez Committee member
  5. Marta Giménez Dasí Committee member
  6. Marcelo M. Suárez-Orozco Committee member
  7. María Soledad Navas Luque Committee member

Type: Thesis


Abstract Age and acculturation differences were analyzed in ethnic identity development, in the context of a semi-structured clinical interview that involved diverse tasks. A sample of 72 Latin American immigrant children to the United States, divided in three age groups, took part in the study. Ethnic identity components such as selfidentification, categorization, labeling, preferences and rejections were identified in young children and kept on developing through subsequent stages. In addition, acculturation processes seemed to be associated with the participants¿ responses and justifications. Together, these findings suggest that developmental as well as acculturation factors play an important role in the way immigrant children perceive themselves and the others from an ethnic perspective. Keywords: ethnic identity, developmental stages, acculturation, immigrant children.