Búsqueda, evaluación y selección de información digital en un aula de secundariaTensiones entre la práctica y el discurso del profesorado y el alumnado
- López Flamarique, Maite 1
- Egaña, Txema 2
- Garro Larrañaga, Eneritz 2
Universidad Pública de Navarra
- 2 Mondragon Unibertsitatea, España
ISSN: 2013-9144
Year of publication: 2019
Issue: 36
Pages: 36-50
Type: Article
More publications in: Digital Education Review
In a communicative context where more and more information is available, one of the objectives of the school is for the students to develop a critical attitude. Studies on information literacy in classrooms have observed inconsistencies between discourse and didactic practice, and a significant distance between the intended and actual use of ICT in class. Therefore, this study seeks to contrast the discourse and practice of both students and teachers when searching, evaluating and selecting digital information in a secondary classroom. This is a case study that has used a multi-source data triangulation (discussion groups, activity record, self-confrontation). The results indicate that the students show interest in the task, although their perception is conditioned by the adults. Students have difficulties in interpreting videos and graphicsand give little value to the authorship of the text. On the other hand, teachers have questioned their role and although they are aware of the lacks of students, teachers are reluctant to work in the classroom. The conclusions suggest that it is necessary to develop a didactic of informational literacy based on the real practices and interests of the students. For this, a change of role and beliefs of the teaching staff is required.
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