La flota del Cantábrico en la pesquería del atún blanco del Atlántico Norte

  1. Valle Erquiaga, Miren Ikerne del
  2. Astorkiza Ikazuriaga, Inmaculada
  3. Astorkitza Ikazuriaga, Kepa Andoni
Papeles de economía española

ISSN: 0210-9107

Argitalpen urtea: 1997

Zenbakia: 71

Orrialdeak: 252-263

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Papeles de economía española


The aim of this work lies in the analysis of the North Atlantic albacore fishery. This is one of the most important fisheries for the coastal fishing fleet, both by the number of boats involved and by catches. Nevertheless, several studies show that these species are in their Maximum Sustainable Yield, so, if the countries that participate in the fishery keep increasin their catches, problems of sustainability and survival of the feet can be generated in the medium term. This article describes the situation of this fishery.