Feminisms outraged at justicethe online conversation on 'La Manada' case

  1. Julen Orbegozo Terradillos
  2. Jordi Morales i Grass
  3. Ainara Larrondo Ureta
IC Revista Científica de Información y Comunicación

ISSN: 1696-2508

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 16

Pages: 249-283

Type: Article

More publications in: IC Revista Científica de Información y Comunicación


This paper examines the online conversation on Twitter resulting from the court ruling in the ‘La Manada’ case, linking the judiciary to feminism, currently one of the most active social movements. To this end, a case study methodological based on an empirical approach to social network analysis was employed. Both of them are useful for distinguishing between spontaneous and strategic indignation and, therefore, for inferring that feminisms still have many alliances to explore.

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