Kapital sozialaren garrantzia familia enpresetan

  1. Valeriano Sanchez-Famoso
  2. Txomin Iturralde Jainaga
  3. Amaia Maseda García
Revista de dirección y administración de empresas = Enpresen zuzendaritza eta administraziorako aldizkaria

ISSN: 2341-0108

Year of publication: 2015

Issue: 22

Pages: 75-92

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de dirección y administración de empresas = Enpresen zuzendaritza eta administraziorako aldizkaria


Based on a social capital approach and using a sample of 172 Spanish non-listed family firms, including two respondents with managerial functions per firm and amounting to 344 questionnaires in total, we test the effects of family and non-family social capital on firm performance. We also contend that family social capital serves as a mediator between non-family social capital and firm performance. Results from a structural equation model indicate that both forms of social capital are key tools in family firm performance. In addition, our results e xtend the understanding of social capital beyond family firms in a context where orga nisations are characterised by the presence of a dominant social group.