Moteltze algoritmiko kontrolatuko zenbakizko metodoak

  1. Elisabete Alberdi Celaya
  2. Juan José Anza Aguirrezabala
Ekaia: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko zientzi eta teknologi aldizkaria

ISSN: 0214-9001

Year of publication: 2014

Issue: 27

Pages: 221-235

Type: Article

More publications in: Ekaia: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko zientzi eta teknologi aldizkaria


After applying the Fini te Element Method (FEM) to the wave-type Partial Differential Equ ation (PDE), a second order stiff Ordinary Differe nti al Equati on system (ODE) is obtained . The high freq uency modes associated to this system are not representative of the PDE and they must be numeri ca lly damped . Simil arly to the HHT-a method , whi ch allows the numerical damping of these undes irable hi gh frequency modes, we have constructed a modi f icati on of the 2-order BDF method (the BDF2 method), which we have called BDF-a . This new method is seco nd-order accurate, and for some values of a it is unconditi onally stable and it permits a parametric control of numerical dissipation.