Valores cualitativos y su reflejo en la información empresarial

  1. Ibarloza Arrizabalaga, Ander
  2. Malles Fernández, Eduardo
Gizaekoa: Revista vasca de economía social

ISSN: 1698-7446

Year of publication: 2012

Issue: 8

Pages: 185-201

Type: Article

More publications in: Gizaekoa: Revista vasca de economía social


More and more, European society is demanding that enterprise should behave in accordance with the various aspects of Corporate Social Responsability. Society is no longer content with the presentation of economic-financial data, it also seeks qualitative values that reinforce trust in that enterprise and, by extension, what the EU aims to be in the future. Concepts which, until recently, were not regarded as social demands that could affect economic activity in a cross-cutting manner. Nowadays, and although we are still dealing with concepts that are not too defined, the outcome is that companies are taking them more and more into acoount, so that new entrepreneurial strategies incorporate the aforementioned qualitative aspects that are now being demanded by society and the authorities.

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