Logros, limitaciones y retos del desarrollo humano en el ámbito de la educación en África Subsahariana
ISSN: 1698-7799, 1698-7802
Year of publication: 2012
Issue Title: África ante la educación
Issue: 14
Pages: 27-40
Type: Article
More publications in: Foro de Educación
After several decades since independence was gained in the majority of countries in sub- -Saharan Africa (SA) discussions on the path to development in the subcontinent remain characterized by controversy and in order to find a solution to the alleged evidence of what many experts consider the best example of «failed development» in the world. In this sense, there is a widespread perception that this region has become an extraordinary case, characterized by a large and growing gap with the rest of the world in various fields, including education. However, as discussed in this paper, the status and trends of development indicators in general, and educational ones in particular, in SA is more complex and colorful than usually shown. Nevertheless, the concentration in the region of many of the worst data in terms of satisfaction of those basic needs, demands greater attention in terms of resources and policies to address this problem.
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