Tratamiento del léxico del euskara occidental basado en la división del radical y desinencia para reconocimiento de habla dialectal

  1. Odriozola Sustaeta, Igor
  2. Navas Cordón, Eva
  3. Sánchez de la Fuente, Jon
  4. Hernáez Rioja, Inmaculada
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural

ISSN: 1135-5948

Argitalpen urtea: 2009

Zenbakia: 43

Orrialdeak: 103-111

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Procesamiento del lenguaje natural


In this paper a first approach based in the division of the dictionary elements into stems and endings is introduced to deal with Basque dialectal speech recognition. In this way, two objectives are achieved: on the one hand, the great dictionay decrease due to the treatment of the agglutinative grammatical cases of Basque as a finite group of endings; on the other hand, the treatment of the phonetic and phonological variants that show these grammatical cases in the different forms of the western dialect. In this paper, the procedure used in the experiments and the results obtained are shown.