Crisis of the social and emergence of sociality in the new scenarios of identityThe San Francisco district of Bilbao

  1. Cavia Pardo, Beatriz
  2. Gatti Casal de Rey, Gabriel
  3. Martínez de Albeniz Ezpeleta, Iñaki
  4. Seguel, Andrés G.
Papeles de identidad: Contar la investigación de frontera

ISSN: 1695-6494

Year of publication: 2008

Issue: 2

Type: Article

More publications in: Papeles de identidad: Contar la investigación de frontera


The San Francisco district in Bilbao (Spain) is undergoing a deep process of urban transformation in which there is a convergence of different dynamics —economic (property speculation), social (appearance of associations and social movements) and political (rehabilitation plans). In order to explain this transformation, we test two hypotheses in the article: gentrification and the crisis of the social institutions(politics, religion and work) that traditionally articulated society. To counterbalance the short comings of the two hypotheses we redefine them as mere “conditions of possibility” of the emergence of new forms of sociality, the depoliticisation of signifieds and the production of new spaces. San Francisco constitutes a variable cronotope that provokes a blurring in sociological configurations and in social norms and sanctions.

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