Iniciativas y experiencias europeas en la configuración de espacios regionales de colaboración Universidad-Empresa
ISSN: 0213-7585
Argitalpen urtea: 2000
Zenbakia: 58
Orrialdeak: 209-228
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista de estudios regionales
In Europe we are witnessing how the relationships between universities and firms are becoming more widespread, intense and diverse. This phenomenon stems from the intensification of corporate competition focused on the technological aspects of production as well as the internal dynamics of the university sector which generate profound changes in corporate organisational principles. Interaction between the realm of the university and the firm depends on the existence of mechanisms to remove the barriers which have separated the two for so long. This article describes the instruments and policies that were designed for this purpose in three European areas: the metropolitan area of Linköping, Sweden, the Republic of Ireland and Wales.