Calidad de servicio electrónico y co-creación de valorrevisión de dos estudios empíricos

  1. Barrutia Legarreta, José María
  2. Etxebarria Miguel, Carmen
  3. Paredes Escobar, Mario R.
Estrategias de distribución y comportamiento de compra multicanal: tendencias y oportunidades para que fabricante y distribuidor rentabilicen sus decisiones de marketing
  1. Vázquez Casielles, Rodolfo (coord.)
  2. Trespalacios Gutiérrez, Juan Antonio (coord.)
  3. Estrada Alonso, Eduardo (coord.)
  4. González Mieres, Celina (coord.)

Publisher: KRK ; Cátedra Fundación Ramón Areces de Distribución Comercial ; Universidad de Oviedo

ISBN: 978-84-8367-431-4

Year of publication: 2013

Pages: 221-238

Type: Book chapter


This work reviews the main results of two empirical analysis conducted in electronic b2C services (barrutia and Gilsanz, 2013; paredes, 2013). based on recent marketing approaches such as service-dominant logic, service logic and service science, both studies address the implications of the electronic service quality (firm resources) and consumer expertise (customer resources) on customers� value perceptions in electronic services. both studies are the first cross-sectional The results show that customers� resources have a significant and positive effect on value co-creation, therefore, they should be considered in marketing strategies for the companies that operate in this context.