L'evolució del conflicte de tasca, el conflicte de relació i el conflicte de procés en equips virtuals: el paper de l'entrenament

  1. Martínez Moreno, Edurne
  2. Zornoza Abad, Ana
Anuari de psicologia de la Societat Valenciana de Psicologia

ISSN: 1135-1268

Year of publication: 2010

Volume: 13

Issue: 1-2

Pages: 225-241

Type: Article

More publications in: Anuari de psicologia de la Societat Valenciana de Psicologia


The main objective of this paper is to study the effects of team self-guided training on the team perception of task conflict, relationship conflict and process conflict along three work sessions in a virtual context. For that purpose, a laboratory study was carried out in which 52 synchronous computer-mediated teams worked during three sessions: 27 teams were randomly assigned to the experimental condition where they had received a team-guided training and the others were assigned to the control condition. Results of repeated measure ANCOVA show that the combination of the training and the acquired experience by the team members during the work sessions makes that perception of relationship conflict decreases in virtual teams, once team member familiarity is controlled for. Our results also indicate that no significant differences exist between trained teams and control teams in the perception of task conflict and process conflict.

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