Cuando el exceso de protección se convierte en un problemafactores globales que inciden en el desarrollo de riesgos en los adolescentes

  1. Navarro Pérez, José Javier
  2. Uceda Maza, Francesc Xavier
TS nova: trabajo social y servicios sociales

ISSN: 2171-6005

Year of publication: 2014

Issue: 10

Pages: 43-54

Type: Article

More publications in: TS nova: trabajo social y servicios sociales


This article reflects on how adolescents from family environments with social potential and protective guarantees eventually develop risk activities in their everyday setting. The new era of globalization could be claimed to have taught these new affluent teenagers, brought up in a comfortable welfare context, in a group that is well protected against contingencies and inoculated against the classic profile of marginalization: adolescents living with a great deal of protection and many possibilities, but without these guarantees managing to avoid problems. Hence, some fall into a complicated spiral to be assumed from the family, the stages of socialization and education-community transitions; influences of the territory, the break with traditional family forms and global factors mean that conflict may dwell in their everyday lives and become a leading player in the routines of these adolescents.