El paisaje vegetal del Norte-Centro de Españaguía de la excursión. X Iter Geobotanicum, per Hispaniam septentrionalem

  1. Loidi Arregui, Javier José
  2. Díaz González, Tomás Emilio
  3. Herrera Gallastegui, Mercedes
Itinera geobotanica

ISSN: 0213-8530

Year of publication: 1997

Issue: 9

Pages: 5-160

Type: Article

More publications in: Itinera geobotanica


This paper is the Spanish Phytosociological Association (AEFA)´s 1997 geobotanical excursion guide. Introductory chapters on Geology, Geography and Bioclimatology are followed by a summarized description of the vegetation observed. The excusion runs through areas of the Autonomous Communities of the Basque Country, Cantabria, Castile-Leon, La Rioja and Navarra, in a double transection that cuts across Atlantic (montane and coline), Aragonian (meso- and supramediterranean) and Iberian-Sorian (suprasub- and orosubmediterranean) areas. A general synthesis of the vegetation of the whole area is given in the chapter on Vegetation Series.