La práctica deportiva en la educación del ocio como herramienta para el envejecimiento activo

  1. Yolanda Lázaro
  2. Joseba Doistua
  3. Idurre Lazcano
Revista Española de Educación Física y Deportes: REEFD

ISSN: 1133-6366

Year of publication: 2019

Issue Title: XV Congreso Internacional AEISAD

Issue: 426

Pages: 370-376

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Española de Educación Física y Deportes: REEFD


The largest age group in the 21st century is people over 65, whose capacity decreases as their daily physical activity declines. Understanding the lifelong process as all functions determined in order to maintain the life, this communication focuses on presenting evidence about the effects of sports practice as part of leisure education and as a tool for active aging. Get older with good physical, psychological and social health implies awareness that it is fundamental to involve ourselves personally in the care of our body and our health to ensure that the motor, cognitive and sensory functions are maintained in an optimal state. Leisure education is a need that arises from understanding leisure as a part of human development, with sport being a field of social activities that takes part of the leisure and free time activities of industrial and urban societies. Leisure education is a specific area of general education whose objective is to contribute to the development, improvement and life satisfaction of people and communities, through knowledge, attitudes, values and skills related to leisure, in general and with sport in this case, in particular. Because of that, inform, educate, sensitize and facilitate the conditions to change the lifestyle in population groups with lack sports tradition, such as our elders, can be one of the keys to promote healthy aging.

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