Estructuras organizativas favorables a la innovación

  1. Álvarez Alday, Marta
  2. Cuenca Amigo, Macarena
Boletín de estudios económicos

ISSN: 0006-6249

Year of publication: 2014

Issue Title: Competitividad e innovación

Volume: 69

Issue: 213

Pages: 477-493

Type: Article

More publications in: Boletín de estudios económicos


Innovation management has become a basic need for the survival of businesses in the current, increasingly complex and changing, global environment. This scenario not only requires companies to adopt innovation strategies, but also raises the need for organizational structures that make innovation possible. In order to unravel what is the relationship between innovation and organizational structure, the present paper discusses the evolution of organizational theory, the concept of innovation and its structural implications and recent research on innovation-friendly structures. The methodology consists of a review of the scientific literature.

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