Espacios de ocio para jóvenes, de la monitorización a la autogestión

  1. Ortega Nuere, Cristina
  2. Lazcano Quintana, Idurre
  3. Baptista, Maria Manuel
Pedagogía social: revista interuniversitaria

ISSN: 1139-1723

Year of publication: 2015

Issue Title: Jóvenes, ocio y educación en la sociedad red

Issue: 25

Pages: 69-90

Type: Article

More publications in: Pedagogía social: revista interuniversitaria


Economic and socio-political contexts and the traits which identify the youth of today are reflected in a variety of areas and one of these relates to the spaces in which young people spend their leisure time. These spaces vary according to their level of autonomy, participation and use thereof. Grading scales for spaces co-exist ranging from the pole of monitoring to the pole of self-management. In this paper we draw some conclusions on research into the use and management of spaces for youth2. From the sociological point of view, the fulfilment of the objectives set out refers to a perspective of qualitative research, carrying out in-depth interviews. The article is based on the interpretation of the collected comments, based on common values and differentials of each viewpoint expressed. Results indicate that young people show greater participation in spaces where they acquire greater autonomy and the opportunity for self-management, such as their own spaces and, to a lesser extent, those which are monitored. Leisure spaces where youth has a greater perception of freedom, where they feel freer, are those which are away from the eyes of adults, except for monitored spaces where there is indeed an adult figure, but one which is considered as somebody close and regarded as a guide and confidante.

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