La construcción de la alteridad a través de la política pública turísticael caso del Programa Nacional de Turismo Rural Comunitario en el Distrito de Capachica, Puno, Perú

  1. Dinant, Inès
Supervised by:
  1. Débora Betrisey Nadali Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 03 July 2017

  1. Carlos María Caravantes García Chair
  2. Beatriz Moncó Rebollo Secretary
  3. Laura Esteban Gonzalo Committee member
  4. Margaret Louise Bullen Committee member
  5. Javier Rodríguez Mir Committee member

Type: Thesis


This thesis analyses the extent to which Community-based Rural Tourism (Turismo Rural Comunitario) takes part in the alterization processes that are currently taking place in Peru and the re-significance of the identity of Peru’s rural communities after the integration of community-based rural tourism in public policies through the National Program of Community-based Rural Tourism (PNTRC). Our study has lead us to work in depth form an anthropological perspective, within five rural communities of the Capachica District (Titicaca Lake-Puno, Peru) using different analytical tools. We collected information form Primary Sources through direct and non-direct interviews and various observations carried out during our fieldwork in Capachica. We also consulted Secondary Sources related to the national and international sociopolitical context in which this policy has been developed and is executed today. The alterity resulting of the execution of this policy in the District of Capachica can only be understood if the following three aspects are taken into account. The first one is related to the historical alterities that have taken place on the peruvian territory, leading to a geographical and socio-cultural division between the inhabitants of the sierra-mountain land- (and those of the selva –jungle land-), the indigenous later called campesinos (country people), and the people who live on the coast, historically the creole oligarchy. In the conception of the alterity, the approach related to the ethnic minorities such as the population of south Peru’s sierra, framed in the neoliberal multiculturalism line of thoughts, lead to a change, in the focus given to the policies and the general treatment given to the targeted population groups. The second aspect is related to the fact that the PNTRC is rooted within the context of the International Cooperation Program. Being developed as a tool to promote the economic and social development of the rural communities, reason why, since the beginning, it is in charge of development principles related with poverty, life quality...