Capítulos de Libro (9) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. Ciencia y Tecnología, Articuladores de la Transfrormación de la Universidad

    Ciencia y sociedad : ejes de la transformación universitaria (Asociación Alexander von Humboldt de España), pp. 65-88

  2. Conducting Polymers

    Electrodeposition from Ionic Liquids (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA), pp. 167-211

  3. Control of Polymerization Reactors

    Polymer Reaction Engineering (John Wiley and Sons), pp. 315-362

  4. Emulsion Polymerization

    Handbook of Polymer Reaction Engineering (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH), pp. 249-322

  5. Emulsion Polymerization

    Polymer Reaction Engineering (John Wiley and Sons), pp. 233-272

  6. Hydrogen bond functionalized block copolymers and telechelic oligomers

    Molecular Recognition and Polymers: Control of Polymer Structure and Self-Assembly (John Wiley and Sons), pp. 63-102

  7. Raman Application in Emulsion Polymerization Systems

    Raman Spectroscopy for Soft Matter Applications (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.), pp. 95-144

  8. Removal of Monomers and VOCs from Polymers

    Handbook of Polymer Reaction Engineering (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH), pp. 971-994

  9. Structure, Properties and Applications of ABA and ABC Triblock Copolymers with Hydrogenated Polybutadiene Blocks

    Block Copolymers in Nanoscience (John Wiley and Sons), pp. 367-389