Capítulos de libro (7) Publicacións nas que participase algún/ha investigador/a


  1. Classifying Ecological Quality and Integrity of Estuaries

    Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science (Elsevier Inc.), pp. 125-162

  2. Effect of winemaking techniques on bioactive compounds in white and red wine

    Wine: Types, Production and Health (Nova Science Publishers, Inc.), pp. 53-92

  3. Effects of wine consumption on the cardioascular system

    Wine: Types, Production and Health (Nova Science Publishers, Inc.), pp. 124-157

  4. Introduction

    Bioinformatics for High Throughput Sequencing (Springer New York), pp. 1-9

  5. Protistas: Amoebozoa, Rhizaria, Excavata, Hacrobia, Heterokonta y Aveolata

    El árbol de la vida: sistemática y evolución de los seres vivos (Madrid: Zardoya San Sebastian, Rafael), pp. 42-55

  6. Rocky Reef and Sedimentary Habitats Within the Continental Shelf of the Southeastern Bay of Biscay

    Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat (Elsevier Inc.), pp. 493-507

  7. The Role of Sediments in Coastal Monitoring

    Chemical Marine Monitoring: Policy Framework and Analytical Trends (Wiley Blackwell), pp. 375-395