Liburu kapituluak (22) Ikertzaileren baten partaidetza izan duten argitalpenak


  1. Aditivos alimentarios: usos y abusos

    La transformación industrial de la producción agropecuaria (Subdirección General de Información y Publicaciones), pp. 89-116

  2. Chapter 1 Marine research in the Basque Country: an historical perspective

    Elsevier Oceanography Series (Elsevier), pp. 3-25

  3. Chapter 10 Microbiological quality

    Elsevier Oceanography Series (Elsevier), pp. 253-270

  4. Chapter 11 Characteristics of estuarine and marine sediments

    Elsevier Oceanography Series (Elsevier), pp. 273-282

  5. Chapter 12 Contaminants in sediments

    Elsevier Oceanography Series (Elsevier), pp. 283-315

  6. Chapter 13 Biomonitoring of heavy metals and organic compounds, at the tissue-organism level

    Elsevier Oceanography Series (Elsevier), pp. 319-333

  7. Chapter 15 Bacterioplankton and phytoplankton communities

    Elsevier Oceanography Series (Elsevier), pp. 367-393

  8. Chapter 16 Zooplankton communities

    Elsevier Oceanography Series (Elsevier), pp. 395-423

  9. Chapter 17 Ichthyoplankton assemblages

    Elsevier Oceanography Series (Elsevier), pp. 425-454

  10. Chapter 18 Benthic communities, biogeography and resources management

    Elsevier Oceanography Series (Elsevier), pp. 455-492

  11. Chapter 19 Coastal Fisheries and Demersal Estuarine Fauna

    Elsevier Oceanography Series (Elsevier), pp. 493-513

  12. Chapter 20 Seabird populations

    Elsevier Oceanography Series (Elsevier), pp. 515-529

  13. Chapter 21 Biodiversity and conservation of wildlife and natural habitats

    Elsevier Oceanography Series (Elsevier), pp. 531-547

  14. Chapter 22 Recovery of benthic communities in polluted systems

    Elsevier Oceanography Series (Elsevier), pp. 549-578

  15. Chapter 23 Overall assessment - human impacts and quality status

    Elsevier Oceanography Series (Elsevier), pp. 581-597

  16. Chapter 24 Conclusions: Notes on a Research Agenda for the Region

    Elsevier Oceanography Series (Elsevier), pp. 599-601

  17. Chapter 5 Sediment supply, transport and deposition: contemporary and Late Quaternary evolution

    Elsevier Oceanography Series (Elsevier), pp. 97-131

  18. Chapter 6 Marine Dynamics

    Elsevier Oceanography Series (Elsevier), pp. 133-157

  19. Chapter 7 Hydrography of the southeastern Bay of Biscay

    Elsevier Oceanography Series (Elsevier), pp. 159-194

  20. Chapter 8 Main characteristics of the water masses

    Elsevier Oceanography Series (Elsevier), pp. 197-232