Communications dans un congrès (18) Publications auxquelles un chercheur a participé


  1. An artificial neuron founded on resistive switching of Mott insulators

    2017 IEEE 9th International Memory Workshop, IMW 2017

  2. Atomic structure design of rapidly quenched amorphous cobalt-based alloys

    Solid State Phenomena

  3. Bi-Te Thin Film Produced by Ion Beam Sputtering: Impact of Beam Voltage in the Seebeck Coefficient

    Materials Today: Proceedings

  4. Crystallization processes in an amorphous Co-Fe-Cr-Si-B alloy under isothermal annealing

    AIP Conference Proceedings

  5. Detailed study of the magnetic behaviour at low scale in La2/3Sr1/3MnO3

    Journal of Physics: Conference Series

  6. Efficient OAM generation at the nanoscale level by means of plasmonic vortex lens

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

  7. Experimental verification of using nanostructured ceramic implants and osteograft

    AIP Conference Proceedings

  8. Gailu mikro-fluidiko analitikoetarako osagaien garapen eta azterketa

    II. Ikergazte nazioarteko ikerketa euskaraz: Kongresuko artikulu-bilduma.

  9. Methodology for indentifying the Curie temperature distributions of magnetic granular systems

    2017 IEEE International Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG 2017

  10. Metrology-grade sub-Doppler spectroscopy of CHF3 at 8.6 μm

    Optics InfoBase Conference Papers

  11. Mid-infrared n-Ge on Si plasmonic based microbolometer sensors

    14th International Conference on Group IV Photonics, GFP 2017

  12. N-Ge on Si for mid-infrared plasmonic sensors

    Summer Topicals Meeting Series, SUM 2017

  13. Nanoporous gold decorated with silver nanoparticles as large area efficient SERS substrate

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

  14. Nanostructured anatase TiO2 microtubes doped by Zr(IV), Hf(IV) and Mo(VI)

    AIP Conference Proceedings

  15. Phonon based high quality factor split ring resonators made from boron nitride

    International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz

  16. Regularities in the disordered atomic structure of rapidly quenched amorphous cobalt-based alloys

    RPC 2017 - Proceedings of the 2nd Russian-Pacific Conference on Computer Technology and Applications

  17. Sol-gel synthesis of magnetic sorbents based on porous iron oxides for the removal of U(VI) from aqueous solution

    AIP Conference Proceedings

  18. Understanding the influence of micro- and sub-micro structural features on the mechanical properties of HVO/AF sprayed WC-CoCr cermets

    Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference