Publications dans lesquelles il/elle collabore avec Alejandro López García (14)


  1. A Comparative Study on the Performance of Evolutionary Fuzzy and Crisp Rule Based Classification Methods in Congestion Prediction

    Transportation Research Procedia

  2. A Hybrid Method for Short-Term Traffic Congestion Forecasting Using Genetic Algorithms and Cross Entropy

    IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 17, Núm. 2, pp. 557-569

  3. Decentralised intelligent transport system with distributed intelligence based on classification techniques

    IET Intelligent Transport Systems, Vol. 10, Núm. 10, pp. 674-682

  4. GACE: A meta-heuristic based in the hybridization of Genetic Algorithms and Cross Entropy methods for continuous optimization

    Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 55, pp. 508-519

  5. Hybrid optimization method applied to adaptive splitting and selection algorithm

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

  6. Short-term traffic congestion forecasting using hybrid metaheuristics and rule-based methods: A comparative study

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

  7. TIMON project: Description and preliminary tests for traffic prediction using evolutionary techniques

    GECCO 2016 Companion - Proceedings of the 2016 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference


  1. A migration strategy for distributed evolutionary algorithms based on stopping non-promising subpopulations: A case study on routing problems

    International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 13, Núm. 2, pp. 46-56

  2. A parallel meta-heuristic for solving a multiple asymmetric traveling salesman problem with simulateneous pickup and delivery modeling demand responsive transport problems

    Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

  3. An asymmetric multiple traveling salesman problem with backhauls to solve a dial-a-ride problem

    SAMI 2015 - IEEE 13th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, Proceedings

  4. Analysis of RFID anti-collision protocols based on the standard EPCglobal Class-1 Generation-2

    Proceedings of 21st European Wireless Conference, European Wireless 2015

  5. Hybridizing genetic algorithm with cross entropy for solving continuous functions

    GECCO 2015 - Companion Publication of the 2015 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference


  1. On the influence of using initialization functions on genetic algorithms solving combinatorial optimization problems: A first study on the TSP

    2014 IEEE Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems, EAIS 2014 - Conference Proceedings